5945 Horseshoe Bar Rd
Loomis, CA 95650

Loomis Red White & Blue Benefit Dance on March 25
Feb 3, 2017 (LOOMIS, CA) – The 8th Annual Red, White & Blue Dance will be held on Saturday, March 25 in Loomis. Veterans will be recognized and proceeds go to the Forgotten Soldier Program and Honor Flight Charities. It will be held from 7-10PM at the Loomis Veterans Memorial Hall, 5925 Horseshoe Bar Rd. Tickets are $15 per person or $25 per couple and available at the Loomis Chamber of Commerce or by calling 916-660-2059. Tickets will also be available at the door.
The Sacramento-based country band, Locked-N-Loaded, will be performing, according to Sheila Lee, Red, White and Blue Dance organizer. “Locked-N-Loaded is a cover band well known for playing current country hits as well as iconic favorites,” said Lee. “We are thrilled that that they are coming to Loomis to help us salute the veterans. It will be a great evening for listening to live country music and dancing.”
This event recognizes the sacrifices and contributions of American Armed Forces and Veterans. Funds raised from the dance will be donated to The Forgotten Solider Program (http://www.theforgottensoldierprogram.org/home.html), based in Auburn, CA. Founded in 2005, The Forgotten Soldier Program gives veterans and their families hope by providing support services and acknowledgment that their service will not be forgotten.
Contributions will also be made to the Honor Flight Network (https://www.honorflight.org/), a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all of their sacrifices. This organization transports our country’s heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at the veteran memorials.
Photos of those who have served or are currently serving in the American Armed Forces will be displayed. Contact Lee at 916-660-2059 if you have photos that you’d like to share.
Lee is a member of Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin (https://soroptimistloomis.com/), “The Loomis Soroptimist club and members have always actively supported this dance and contributed to its success,” said Lee. The club meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM at the Train Depot in Loomis.
For more information about the Red, White & Blue Dance, call Sheila Lee at 916-660-2059.