Mother with daughters

Apply now for Soroptimist Awards – Due Nov. 15

The deadline for students, teachers and community leaders to apply for Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin awards is November 15. Information and applications can be found on the Soroptimist Loomis website Awards tab. Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award: The Loomis club awards up to $1000 to a local woman who provides the primary financial support…

Masthead of newsletter September 2021

September Newsletter – Eggplant Festival, New Members, Contest

In the September issue, meet our new members who were inducted this month. President Rae has challenged the club to shop at the Acres of Hope Thrift store and wear our outfit to the October Program meeting with a guest speaker from the organization. In September, we heard from Days for Girls and how the…

June/July 2021 Newsletter

Read our summer 2021 News: Soroptimist Loomis – Newsletter – June-July 2021 In this issue, we welcome new members, describe the successful wine pairing mixer, install new officers, hear from incoming President Rae, contribute to the Senior LIFE Center, meet member Ashley Summers, report on summer meetups, provide an update on the virtual SNR conference…

Order Your Easter Box of Home Baked Cookies & Treats

SOLD OUT! Thank you for your interest in supporting Soroptimist. Unfortunately, we’ve sold out of all the Easter Boxes.   Sold Out — This cute and delicious Easter gift box includes beautifully decorated home baked cookies and other treats to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. This unique gift supports Soroptimist International Loomis Basin education…