Mother who won live Your Dream Award with daughter.

Education Empowers – Loomis Club Gives Out Scholarships

The Loomis Soroptimist club selected 2021 award winners for Soroptimist International (SI) Live Your Dream Award and Ruby Award as well as Del Oro Scholarship and teacher grants. Soroptimist International (SI) empowers women and girls worldwide through education to achieve their potential, realize their aspirations and lead their communities. Soroptimist International (SI) empowers women and…

masthead of October 2020 newsletter

Read the Club October 2020 Newsletter

In the club’s October 2020 newsletter, read about the Little Free Library, the awards program, October program meeting making pumpkin succulent gardens, Days for Girls project, Loomis Senior LIFE Center support, Awards from the Sierra Nevada region, firefighter support and the Olive Oil fundraiser. Read the Soroptimist Loomis October 2020 newsletter. Read our Previous Soroptimist…

November 15 is the Deadline to apply for Grants

Students, teachers and community leaders may apply for Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin awards and submit them by the November 15 deadline. Information and applications can be found on this website under the awards tab. The Soroptimist International Live Your Dream Award distributes more than $2.6 million in education grants each year to nearly 1,700…