Loomis Soroptimist Education Awards Recognize Women – Due Nov. 15

The deadline for students, teachers and community leaders to apply for Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin education awards is November 15. Information and applications can be found on the Soroptimist Loomis website under the Awards Tab.  Read about last year’s recipients. Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award: The Loomis club awards up to $1000 to several…

June 2022 Newsletter

We welcomed new members, hosted a success Tostada Bingo, held a mixer, installed the new officers, and much more as we wrapped up the year. You can see the Loomis Soroptimist June 2022 newsletter here: Soroptimist Loomis – Newsletter – June 2022. Sign up for Soroptimist International Loomis Basin Newsletter Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin…

Sustainably Raised Corned Beef for Take-out St Patrick’s Dinner

Soroptimist International (SI) Loomis Basin is offering Take-out St. Patrick’s Day Dinner featuring Country Natural Beef as part of a March 17, 2022 fundraiser that supports scholarships, education grants and career exploration projects that empower women and girls to realize their potential. The corned beef has been donated by Country Natural Beef. The co-op of…